Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Day After Tomorrow...

In today's Media Appreciation class, we had a screening of the film "The Day After Tomorrow". As always, we need to do a review on it, which is due this Friday. Anyway, the movie turn out to be quite interesting, especially how they manage to associate global warming (which is suppose to generate higher temperature) with the disruption of the Artic winds that in the end causes a new Ice Age for humankind in the film. One of my favorite line from the movie must have been: "The cost of doing nothing is even higher".

True, isn't? We sometimes choose to ignore mistakes that may seem trivial at first, but these mistakes will eventually manifest into something more frightening than what we had imagine. By then it would be too late...What will happen in the day after tomorrow? Or the days after that? Well, we will never know until the day comes...

It rained again this afternoon and the drizzling never did stop. And as I wrote this, the slight drizzle has picked up its momentum so that the constant noise ( somewhat similar to white noise ) is now a melancholic symphony that shroud the growing night. My shoes, drying under the bed, with its rubber soles cold from the many puddles that dotted the open-air car park are a testament of the bleak weather.

Nevertheless, rainy days are somewhat special to me. There's some kind of reverence in the gloom of its drizzling or the malevolence of the mighty thunders. It put me in my place, telling me how helpless we can be when dealing with the forces of nature. It enhances the warmth that we never realise because we are too busy complaining about the heatwave and hot temperature that we dread so much. I don't know. But there's peace in the pitter-pattering of raindrops that draw me deeper into my own thoughts, regardless of how silly they may be. Moments of self-analysis that I so often appreciate.

My state of dizziness continued from yesterday to today. As of now, I'm still feeling a little lightheaded. My appetite from the evening eludes me as taste of nausea trails everything I consume. I think I'll skip dinner. I feel the cold now. A tender chill that pricks the skin. I think I'll rest now.


Anonymous said...

My dear...aiyoyo aku nak lupekan post nie tapi kau remind aku balik...anyways i felt like uve already reviewed it...haha after reading ur postla...again..dun so emo!!!!

leonard leao said...

No...dun feel like doing the review tonight...headache...put ur name...lol

Paupau said...

my lecturer dislikes the director of that movie..so does 10,000 BC (same director) haha..anyway,good luck with your review..i just finished watching 3 movies for the past 3 weeks,doing 3 movies analysis..woot~ i wonder what it's gonna be after that..hmm..=)

take care too..you recover then can kap more lengluis,remember that.hahahaha..=p!

Anonymous said...

wah your description about the rain and shoe is beyond my comprehension. =) eh i wanna have your headache la, then tak payah makan dinner. so good. =p you can use this for ur movie review la.

leonard leao said...

To Pauline,

Thanks...I ate dinner...even thouh no appetite...but feel like must eat...

Good luck la with watever is coming next for u..hehe

leonard leao said...

To Elaine,

Headache not good la...feel so terrible...macam nak mati...

Anonymous said...

i agree sama itu ass elaine.. u dun need to think of any review la.. u can just use this post.. I HATE THE MOVIE... what the heck shud i write bout the movie when i dun understand the show...?????

leonard leao said...

To Dionne,

Where can use for review? Not enough info la...all those thing about rain is not even related to the movie...

Hean Wu said...

aiya leonard... i am mean, i hurt ppl... my comments are... thts super pathethic... really super uber... u so bored till u go and feel the rain, the shoe la... watever... haha.. but its a good comeback... really good. i like emo posts... keep it up... HAHA...

leonard leao said...

To Hean Wu,

I like rain (not that Korean dude)...it's not suppose to be emo la...anyway...why am I not invited to view ur blog? :(

Themuxicbox said...

I love rainy days...when I am lying in bed at home ;D

Mei Hsuan, Chen said...

The Day After Tomorrow is an awesome movieeeee! Lol. But writing a review about it ain't easy =_= Anyway good luck! =)

leonard leao said...

To Themuxicbox,

Yes, how nice it is to curl up in bed on a rainy day...ooo...that's just so wonderful!!

leonard leao said...

To Mei Hsuan,

Thanks for visiting...yes I'll try my best for the review... :D